The ride to Asia 2012 Greece, Turkey, Georgia

Greece, Turkey, Georgia

A starry night on the Nautilus ferry board, somewhere at the heart of the Mediterranean sea, only the noise of the machines who turn on the steel beast and the chimneys in a thick and monotonous sound for more speed while pumping tons of diesel, the little room of the transport drivers that we have received was cozy and convenient, ups and downs as a cradle of a new born baby had promised to Ido and myself a restful night till the dawn will break out while cursing the Mediterranean water. In between we had a “kabalat Shabbat” with a friend who joined the cruise to Greece, and there between the plastic cups, fine whisky and a sincere prayer, a night of thoughts had spread, and the fatigue of a busy day had turned off to a deep and exciting sleep in expectation to a new day.

The strength of the sea breeze had took me to the command chamber, captain Kaudous, who had seen angry and raging days said in impassive face “today the boat will dance a bit…” and it really danced to the sounds of the a spectacular sunset with orange and colorful cloudiness of scatted islands on the sides of the ferry water lines, the evening had landed and tomorrow someone will probably will shout “land”.

The first km of the journey was under fierce winds which shook  the motorcycles, less familiar roads, we were in a ride to Salonika which is located around 600 km from the port of Liborio, in Suflaki, mini cafe and known tastes, the landscapes of Greece and pieces of bright blue ocean and both of my sides add a special feeling to this marvelous ride, the rhythm of the ride is above what we have expected and the desire to Solow distances is almost as putting the finger on the map and rolling it into the destination. A phone to my 2 dear friends which I have met in my Greece Ride 2011. Nikus from Salonika and Vasili from Ioannina. Coordinating the meeting and the horizon of Salonika is on the sight, the a white tower. There is probably some kind of magic that never expires from the glorious past of this city and community although of the disastrous war, strong sensations are rising and familiar sights make me smile, a vast sun set on the boardwalk of Salonika, and Ido my partner still didn’t put on Tfillin before the sunset so.. In a quiet corner in the boardwalk of Salonika, much history and one moment of silence. The meeting with Nikus was moving, a very special and dear men, a dinner with friends with the best of the Greek Cuisine, the white and clear drink had put life in a wonderful proportion.. Morning of sunlight in Salonika and I wait to Vasili from Ioannina who had rode 200km to meet us. I was very happy to see him. “A very special person with thirst to information and with love of life, a visit in the synagogue, some true phrases and this part the Greek journey ends and tomorrow with dawn we will ride to the boarder point into turkey to our next goal – Istanbul

An easy pass at the boarder point kippi to Turkey, acquiring third side insurance and I’m with big smile full of happiness to the known sights of the cracks and patches of the road, the Russian buildings and sights of savage landscapes when riding to Istanbul, a straight ride of 200km and we stop at a broken Turkish diner, and again it is just breaks me from all the directions, a dish of “kufta” kebab, salad coarsely chopped and a lot of olive oil, the Turkish bread “kimek” a king dish of tastes at the side of landscapes of arid mountains and two motorcycles in a road of ruts.

The elaborated roads are quiet clear, we are riding to the palace topkapi, this palace was the office of the Ottoman Empire between the years of 1465-1853. The palace is places at Sralegu between a golden ray and marble sea, riverside to the the Bosporus Strait. Crossing the bridge in the direction of the palace and the vantage point on the bustling life of Istanbul, fishermen, porters, vendors of sweets, cabs beep and a dazzling life full of movement,  the white smoke of fish is rising as marble stones into the blue horizon of the sea, simple people in a universe of full behaves and cultures of hundreds of years, probably drains to this part of the city.

 sunsets are falling slowly into the sea, and the orange pastel color is splattered all over the buildings and the breaking of another day, the wish of all humans is a bit of rest, one more time and again accelerating  wheels because… the sun is setting without laying Idos “tffilin”. We stop at biker shop for a quick question ”hotel..?”, getting out to meet us is the store owner, the only Jewish who sells motorcycles, hand shaking.. saying: “my family is in Israel…” so laying the tffilin in the shop just before the sunset, chance or fate? A goodbye, number exchange and an invitation to a motorcycle vacation in Israel. Finding a broken hotel in the middle of Istanbul and parking to our motorcycles hadn’t been an easy task, our efforts in finding a hotel in the neighborhood ally got fiercer. A little room, late 70th rubber slippers caused us pleasure and comfort. Out eyelashes got heavy and the and the exhaustion filled out body. A fine sleep filled out batteries. Screams and blows wakes us, a bustle of people  and a mass brawl, from the windows screaming women and a police car is passing by without stopping. the silent is back, in drips it fills the streets and lonely street light plays his role faithfully. A vast silence of the night had returned the forced neon city.

Early in the morning, while the streets are washed with water for another month and food tastes are laying on the table, A strong Turkish coffee wakes the unawaken body parts and we are riding  on the Bosporus bridge and as a goodbye tribute we are riding slowly and a farewell from this amazing city, we are entering to a mountainous  trail, approx. 550k”m, we will join again with the black sea in a city by the name “Samson”, a port city in turkey.

The ride to Georgia aside the black sea was pretty fresh and convenient, excellent roads and time for a qualitative meditation in a monotonous rhythm, the sea changes his colors and trade & transport ships are sailing to their destinations, the city Trabzon is emerging in the horizon and a night stop at a fishy hotel in the city ally. It was pleasant to recall that i was here on my ride to Russia at 2009 but in the other lane, on the way to Trabzon port, we meet a motorcycle gang, there destination is Turkey, words exchange, handshakes and we continue as a pleasant song to the Georgian boarder, another country to cross among the other wonderful countries we ride through in the Asia 2012 journey.

A Turkish cop at  the boarder point, alerts us that there is a problem without motorcycles, the numbers hadn’t been fed in the computer…, a long convey of cars are waiting, some Turkish and some Georgian, and ido is sailing in his mind with the movie “midnight express”… after some minutes the problem got solved and we heading the Georgian boarder, two youthfulness who meticulously drawn look at our international license which we received at “memsi”, a paper license, miserable and undignified and little stamps are innate on this piece of disparagement, and I think for myself why not a dignified plastic license which will honor its country and my motorcycle.. so after discussions the noise of the stamp is heard, as a pleasant sound and she declares: ”welcome to Georgia”.

The ride to the first city, Batumi at Georgia, had been through disrupted roadsת noble landscapes and strong green. on the sides there slow walking cows in apathetic look at the sight of the extremely fast crossing cars, incomprehensible bypasses, getting down into the dirt edges and back to the asphalt road, dust clouds mixed with the ground color. Broken churches aside the road, holy colors and painfully small shops of sweets which are full with booty. The entrance to the city was a combination of poverty and luxury. The deep gap makes it hard to balance the standard of living, this is the situation that the country seemingly deal with, promises mixed with careful optimism lay the road to the hope of the citizens that the future will get better.

It is night already, a moment before finding a hotel, a first taste from the national food “haz’apori” full with cheese and bombed in cholesterol, a delightful pleasure and uncontrolled hunger on the triangle shaped food, the amazement look of the kind old ladies, that probably saw many revaluations and government changes, in a slow ride we look for a hotel, passing a quarter of strokes in white, nuns in black and Turkish pimps who offer their merchandise. Taverns in a neon light aside Sodom, for the glory of uncontrolled desires of silky night, as wires that create a thick of roughness in this city. We are still tiredly looking just to give a rest to the big amount of the information and to processes this day. One place was left orphan in a luxury hotel, as  a compensation for our ride, which is demanding more landscapes, sights and what else the world have to offer us. Goodnight and the city is shutting the door and last merchandize offer before the sun is coming up.

Riding through two – way streets in endless jam, mountainous roads flooded with flora and wire of houses and  a landscape which covering thousands of acres of green tinged with the  red edges of the earth. We ride to the next town “Kutaisi” Georgia’s second largest city, built around the River “Riuni”. The Interesting place I wanted to go to is the Jewish synagogue from the 19th century –  who is still active, in the past it was one of the largest Jewish communities in the country, the city is relatively unknown and discovering it was a documentation were giving me the kind of public recognition. Out of the city in ways mostly one lane on each side, I try to photograph the remains of buildings and signs Login cities Soviet-intensive concrete, stops buses and walls of thick concrete, no doubt art for its own sake, bridges, steel and nailing along the bridge, kind of thinking over time probably thought Soviet perception forever …

It is twilight asides the stretched roads and a little motel for the passersby, a restaurant with the best of the Georgian characteristics is located somewhere in the edge of the vast plaza, we sit down and order “hankeli”, not before we explained our self in pantomime and some more philosophical question about life, the order of the alovera tasted vodka came quickly, a bunch of local Georgian invited us to drink some drinks in the honor of the Georgian people. A quiet night and the noise of the crickets pleasing our ears, a moon and two covered time travel machines are waiting to the sun rise in a few hours.

In the entrance to the city “Guri” a rows of concrete buildings surround the city, vast streets and a militarily planning for the entrance of thanks, probably that was the attention of the writer, In this city Josef Stalin was born who was the leader of the soviet union, a museum is located in the middle of the city, the iron rail road which is passing through her constitutes a main artery for the city citizens and for transferring goods from the factories in the city.  Gury is located 76K’m west from Tbilisi, in the meeting point between the Liakhvi river and the Kura river, 588 meters above the sea level. Looking for and finding a hotel in the edge of the city which is trying to be unsuccessfully western, a night wondering, and youth groups in the corner… it is late, the gutter society are still wondering around in a city which became a ghost, they are trying to ladle another coin from the passersby, another day had ended in studying on the other side of the world…

In hasty steps with full bag of curiosity we enter to the Stalin museum, which is displaying with too much pride the work of the tyrant, inside personal belonging of Stalin, Photos and articles from different newspapers, the Exhibition includes one of the 12 death masks (the emboss of the face) of Stalin which was taken after his death, an admiration for a cruel human being which instituted a cruel dictatorship, which combined killing the Opponents or the suspected as opponents, confining millions of people in the labor camps “Gulag”, collectivization which caused to the death of millions. On the other hand he enhanced the industry revolution in Soviet Union which helped it to become a superpower. After the German invasion in 1941, which caught Stalin under surprise, he led the country in fierce determination until they won. on the other side of the museum we can find his personal train, the train is coated with armor and was in the personal use of Stalin from 1941, Stalin appeared with the train at the Yalta conference and at the Tehran conference. (credit:: Wikipedia)

Arriving to the capital of Tbilisi, resting for several days and Bureaucracy preparation to a visa for Azerbaijan. We have passed approximately 4500k”m of marvelous sights, the August swat is dripping in the wave of heat and in the chilling nights when the wind is blowing through ancient castles, high in the mountains.

Till the next chapter of my journey, goodbye to everyone from the endless roads in a full of beauty and fine human material

Jacob Samuel


August 16, 2012

The ride to Asia 2012

Participants: Ido Bardlas, Kobi Samuel.

 Motorcycle model: bmw 1200 gs adventure

Departure date: 08/17/2012

In general: A ride in Asia, crossing parts of the Silk Road

The ride includes paved roads and grit, camping + hotel

Food: self-preparation \ buying

Important reference points – Entry to Turkmenistan (Hell Gate) kera –

kom Desert, Khiva Uzbekistan, Kosmodrom Baikonur

District of Volgograd, Russia

There may be changes in the plane

The article Part II – from moments of sensations, doubts, route finding, and variety of dreams mixed with the mountains wind

So it began …

The ride to Asia 2012

The dial tone is on hold and over the line answers Helga in German, and I with my polished English says in a authoritative voice: “I want to invite maps of fourteen countries please…”, in my experience this is the world’s best maps, company which served me loyally in the previous trips …

A few days to go…

The journeys deliberations were already under way, I with myself were in a profound conversation “Where to..?”. So the basic idea was Scotland – Ireland, an enjoyable ride by myself, pure self-purification and fulfilling my charges with refining ideas and their implementation with time. Riding with my scooter a G’oraid 200 sailing still thinking where to. I’m on my way to the “alexim” garage , doctors of BMW engines , doctors, to the sound of movement and electrical switches, coffee and sharing my thoughts. As I sip the coffee, a young man entered with a clear and fine vodka, a few sips and basic introduction, crossing pure dreams from the wheels of life, a handshake, and there is  the form of the beginning of a journey from a basic idea which will turn to reality…

The decision where to still bothers me …? Sequence of ideas in a conversation with my companion to many trip around the country and low night flights to the holy city, in an attempt to share the ideas of the journey together, unique thoughts and formulas appeared that evening, coalescing to form a piece of truth about the separation and splitting from umbilical cord of continuum of life which the journey demands, All we in devotion to that dream which we want to fulfill…

The decision has been made….

Meeting and getting into the marked lanes on the map, the basic realization of a dream with a guy I’ve just met a few days ago,his name is Ido, in the Alexim garage, it seems that the passion of things and opening the maps and creating a line of track in a tangle filled contours managed to excite the inhabitants of the round table, another idea and another formalization of a decision. Two proposals are up, one is riding up towards Italy and Normandy – France and then to Scotland – Ireland. My thoughts were that I had enough of the polished Europe, intoxicating comfort of civilized roads, beauty spots, postcards scattered on the desk, quite put me to sleep, I dream of riding thousands of kilometers to the large parts of the world. I was always fascinated by the simple culture of the countryside and farmers, into deserts -and oriental landscapes, camels and sunsets, market of carpets, fabrics, ruby and topaz, intoxicating spice colors  convoys of mini-trade, oasis – desert, strips of palm trees into streams as islands of life, inside the sand dunes the colors are

changing as sunsets like strips of orange, a horizon that doesn’t end, so … The right thing to do, is choosing the route of Silk Road which triggered the inspiration for the thousands of writers of poetry and hymns, rulers, dignitaries a conquest  respected these routes throughout history, this magic remains until today and it still embodied with a mystery , intrigues, and romance into the golden of the Silk Road.

It took several days till the final decision left off. conversations and raising ideas, opening maps, dates, weather, a visa for each country. The determination of this operation leveled up, with stretching the outline of this ride with an idea, which is Turkmenistan. While writing these lines we are still in the process of

receiving a visa to the country.

we continue…

A hot day and the moisture is climbing merciless upwards in the streets of ramat gan. Loaded with trash cans on four wheels,  huddling in narrow passages with a marvelous motorcycle and rapid turns in case of engagements bring me to a street where the embassy of Uzbekistan is located. Friendly faces and Uzbekistan females are waiting in the line to receive a visa. I’m in an intense conversation with an official who is in charge of the visas, Michael (not the official but the comrade Michael from st peterburg, who is know in his loyalty to the comrade Stalin, you will read about him in my next article…) Enlightenment and sharp tips and a wonderful knowledge I pluck information, I open maps and his remarks provide me with a convenient and reliable source of information, Michael who is a mine engineer by profession, tell me about the “marvelous” of Communism. A few photos and cutting a ribbon in sign of the official opening of my journey to the golden silk routes 2012.

The fast waiting times, while meeting Luba, the travel agency clerk, arranged to me and Ido the visas for Kazakhstan with a special addition of two entries in 3 month, in any case. cocking & jingling reserve cameras in a last attempt, now more sharpen and emphasis in the quality of the photographing of this wonderful roads, leave me with out a doubted and with a satisfaction and   the way of thinking and fulfilling my dream. I have invested in a professional camera which will be able to contain the elements of the indefatigable nature with courage an heroism when in the gap between the shaking motorcycle and to the thousands of kilometers in Asia, through villages, routes, deserts, space ports and the veneration in this marvelous globe of mankind and other souls.

Drippings of preparation…

Camping gear, warm clothes for the cold and for the day of hot waves which will entrust us in riding to different regions of the world, and this facts should be considered and to give a suitable answer for the whole mass of the journey, medicine “buttons” Bandages and other lotions, I came to the doctor to take prescriptions, I stay for long minutes in his wonder for my tales of the rides and the uncompromising persistence year after year, arranging variety of cameras the small one, the big one and the one from my trips around the world, including cards and other cargo…, downloading maps and resetting lanes and coordinates in a change that is a way of life.

encounter of freezing cold or intense heat?

One of the dilemmas in planing this trip is the weather. Pinned to the rotation of the globe and the ride with the seasons and when to leave, was quiet a challenge. attached to the weather websites,  seasonal deposits and going up and down graphs, welcomed me to the decision of the exit time, the overall route is that we will be in turkey in the middle of August. It’s true it’s very hot, but the ride along the black sea in the direction to Georgia and the Caspian sea gives me a satisfying breezes of wind, crossing Kazakhstan in the direction of north west Russia in the opening of October provides a pretty convenient solution, it is true that the rain and cold meets us in the long rides but in the decline from north Russia heading the black sea, Romania Greece, a worm wind and days of pleasure will greet us with our return to the reality of the end of 2012. Pretty late or with the slip of at least two weeks in the exit, will lead us the the cold Russia in the middle October month with rain and average low temperatures, sharp sediments and gray days of tiredness , but.. a head planing of learning prevent this kind of situations, this is of course with the addition and the devoted surrender to weather upheavals and leaving a clean spot for uncertainty.

The countdown…

The small hourglass with his last grain which lies on the end of the shelf, the route and the colourful maps are lying in my head as a recital of dress rehearsal as a show with variety of colours. the last days before.. I ride on my motorcycle at the trip on the boardwalk in the twilight, from my right the Mediterranean sea and a large and orange sunset is lying aside me, in a  quick glimpse to the vast sea and beyond, the unstoppable passion which doesn’t know satiety, then to break the limits and give freedom to all out ambitions, it is a rare asset which needs to be hugged. It took approximately two month to plane this journey, I’ve studied on the worlds countries, towns, wonders of nature, dirt roads and paved roads, countries laws, flag colours, boarder points, I’v learned that mankind need the basics of food, shelter, love from the family and joy of  life, regardless of race, sex and religion, what ever is beyond that make it worse in some way. So… now there is only the execution, the theory has ended and the core of the ride starts to beat, so till the next article, when the wind of gallop of the motorcycle advance and sipping another mile of unrestrained landscapes of this side of the globe.

Good luck

To Ido my partner and me Kobi Samuel